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Causes of Truck Accidents

Mar 30, 2023
Causes Of Truck Accidents — Tuscaloosa, AL — Cartee & Lloyd Attorneys at Law

One of the most unfortunate incidents that can happen when on the road is a truck accident. Commercial trucks' massive sizes and weights can make them cause deadly accidents, resulting in severe bodily injuries.

Neck injuries, internal damage, back injuries, head injuries, and crush injuries are common in truck accidents. Today's common types of truck accidents are truck rollovers, jackknife accidents, rear-end accidents, wide-turn accidents, T-bone accidents, and sideswipe accidents.

Clarity about the cause of a truck accident that injured you can increase the chances of a successful injury claim. Discover the common causes of various truck accidents today.

Driver's Intoxication

According to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA), all licensed commercial drivers shouldn't exceed 0.04% of Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC). Also, truck drivers shouldn't be under the alcohol influence while at work or within four hours of starting their duty. Ignorance of such laws by truck drivers can result in dire consequences on the road, like injuries to pedestrians and other passengers.

Inadequate Driver Experience

Failure of truck drivers to undergo proper training and do all tests can cause them to lack essential driving skills. The lack of proper truck driving skills could mean increased mistakes on the road, which also risks other drivers' lives.

Improper Cargo Loading

Too much cargo can cause a truck's tires to blow out. Also, the truck can roll over after the driver tries to change lanes or take a turn at high speed. Improperly loaded cargo can also get ejected from a truck at high speed, causing accidents as other drivers try to swerve. Also, some ejected cargo can get into another vehicle through the windshield, injuring the driver.


Speeding is a form of reckless driving that causes truck drivers to lose control of their vehicles. Despite speed control technologies like speed limiters or speed trackers, some trucks still lack such technologies. The large sizes of trucks make it difficult for them to quickly and safely react to fast speed changes, causing crashes.


The law requires truck drivers to rest for a certain number of hours to stay alert when behind the wheel. However, the pressure on truck drivers, especially from their companies' scheduling practices, can cause them to work long hours. Also, individual motivations by truck drivers to make more cash might cause them to overwork, resulting in fatigue. Fatigue often makes truck drivers fall asleep when on the road, causing accidents.

Unfavorable Weather Conditions

Bad weather conditions like rain, snow, and ice cause roads to become slick or slippery, reducing a vehicle's tire traction. Reduced tire traction can cause a truck to swerve off the road or into the lane with oncoming traffic, resulting in fatal crashes. Also, fog interferes with the visibility of truck drivers, potentially causing them to crash into other vehicles or road signs.

Vehicle Failure

Lack of regular truck maintenance causes problems like tire blowouts and brake failure, which are common causes of truck accidents. Also, defective parts in a truck can make it fail unexpectedly when on the road, causing fatal crashes and injuries.

Distracted Driving

The urge to fight boredom, especially when on long journeys, makes some truck drivers turn to music or texting. Because of such behaviors, truck drivers can fail to keep their eyes on the road and cause fatalities and property damage.

Poor Road Conditions

Confusing traffic signals, potholes, and unexpected detours are common road hazards that cause truck accidents. Failure of a truck driver to maintain a proper lookout for road conditions or to operate a truck in a reasonable manner in light of the poor road conditions can make the driver liable for vehicle accidents that occur.

Before you file a truck accident claim, seek legal help from a professional personal injury attorney. The attorney will prove any negligence that caused your injuries to help you get fair compensation. Contact us today at Cartee & Lloyd Attorneys at Law if you are a truck accident victim.

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