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Injured at Work? Avoid These 7 Mistakes

Apr 07, 2023
Worker Compensation Claim — Tuscaloosa, AL — Cartee & Lloyd Attorneys at Law

Work injuries happen unexpectedly, and you are not likely prepared for the aftermath of a job injury. Many people don't know their rights as injured employees and can make mistakes that reduce their compensation or invalidate their claims. Check out these mistakes below. 

1. Failing to Report the Injury Promptly 

Some workers hesitate to report their injuries due to fear of retaliation by their employers. However, filing an accident report is critical to recovering compensation for your work injuries.
Each state also has a deadline for notifying employers about job-related accidents. Some states require employees to disclose their injuries as soon as they happen. Insurers may use a missed deadline as cause to deny your compensation claim. 

2. Not Seeking Medical Care

Insurance firms might assume you weren't hurt if you didn't receive medical care. So, insist on medical treatment and ask to go to an emergency room if you are in unbearable pain.
Some states require injured workers to consult pre-approved doctors, typically ones that insurance firms or employers list. Clearly describe how you got hurt during the consultation to help the medical provider write an accurate account. Ensure you mention that the accident happened at work.
You can get a second opinion from another doctor, although you must follow guidelines for selecting a new physician.

3. Not Identifying Witnesses

Witnesses are crucial to your workers’ compensation claim because they attest that your injuries occurred at work and not elsewhere. If coworkers, supervisors, and other parties were present when you got hurt, list their names and addresses and provide the information to your attorney.

4. Resuming Work Too Soon

Follow your doctor's instructions, especially regarding the resumption of physical activities. Also, resist posting on social media, as you may post content that goes against your medical advice.
For instance, if your doctor has discouraged driving, a social media post that shows you behind the wheel serves as ammunition for the insurance company. So, rest for as long as the doctor instructs and resume work once the provider gives the go-ahead.

5. Trusting Insurance Companies

Many people relax after they file an injury report. However, insurance firms don't prioritize your interests and aim to pay as little compensation as possible. If you let the insurer handle all aspects of your case, you often don't recoup all the benefits you deserve.
You may also be inclined to accept the first offer that comes along. Injured workers deal with a lot of anxiety, particularly if the medical bills keep mounting, and a settlement offer seems like a reprieve. However, the first offer isn’t always the amount you need to fully recover.

6. Not Researching the Available Benefits

Most injured workers assume they only qualify for workers' compensation, but the law offers other compensation sources. For instance, a personal injury claim lets injured parties recoup compensation for pain and anguish or loss of earning capacity.
The workers' compensation system also has numerous benefits that you may be unaware of, such as financial help for permanent disability and rehabilitation. 

7. Handling the Case Yourself

Many injured employees attempt to navigate the workers' compensation system alone, only to settle for low compensation or for their claim to be denied. You require an in-depth understanding of your state's compensation laws and regulations to file a successful claim. 
A workers' compensation attorney safeguards your interests, outsmarts insurers, and accounts for the full extent of your injuries. Remember that insurance firms have claims adjusters who deal with personal injury claims every day, and you need an equally capable professional on your side.
Injured at work? Our attorneys at Cartee & Lloyd Attorneys At Law ensure you don't make mistakes when filing for compensation.  Contact us  today to enjoy full benefits after your job-related injury. 

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